In 2016, ARTikulationen took place between October 6 to October 9. The annual festival contained two formats: THE FORUM and THE CONCERT. The festival encompassed guest talks, concerts and networking opportunities and served as a platform for our doctoral candidates to present their artistic and written work to an audience of international experts and to the university and local community.
THE FORUM served as our annual symposium with talks of the doctoral candidates and international guest lectures. Here the doctoral candidates present the results of their ongoing research or defend their final thesis in form of a public viva voce (“Rigorosum”). Within this framework prominent artistic researchers presented their current or life-long research and will be invited to hold the keynotes.
THE CONCERT allowed a connection with the public by presenting “Research through art” and “Art through Research” in form of lecture recitals. The idea was to let the common audience partake in the fascination and beauty of artistic research.